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Jessica Goodnight
Jan 11, 20223 min read
No, That's Not a Trauma Response
"I thought I had overcome my PTSD, but I still really like my high-intensity job. I put my life on the line sometimes - but this work is...

Jessica Goodnight
Dec 16, 20213 min read
Therapy 101 Series: What is CBT?
You may have heard about CBT, or cognitive behavioral therapy. After all, it's been around for a while. The main components of modern CBT...

Jessica Goodnight
Sep 28, 20213 min read
Worry: What is it Good For?
Absolutely nothing? (No.) First things first, what is worry? When we're worrying, we're normally thinking a lot about something that...

Jessica Goodnight
Jul 9, 20213 min read
COVID-19 Series: If You're Still Afraid, You're Not Alone
The world has been opening up over the past several weeks. You may be watching your friends take vacations, throw parties, and get back...

Jessica Goodnight
May 19, 20212 min read
Challenging Yourself with Kindness: The Right Attitude for Exposure Therapy
I'm going to lay out two truths. These two truths are desperately important, and equally true. Without the first truth, the path ahead...

Jessica Goodnight
Mar 10, 20212 min read
OCD Series: What is ERP?
There's a chance that if you have OCD, you've heard that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the best way to treat it. But did you know...

Jessica Goodnight
Nov 6, 20203 min read
OCD Series: What is OCD?
If you buy into the cultural narrative around OCD, it might not seem like such a bad thing to have. I mean, we're in a pandemic, and...

Jessica Goodnight
Sep 8, 20201 min read
COVID-19 Series: The Care and Keeping of You
We're now six months into COVID-19 land. Perhaps you struggled a lot at the beginning and have now adjusted to the state of things. But...

Jessica Goodnight
Mar 22, 202010 min read
COVID-19 Series: A Helpful Acronym for Coping
You know what I love for coping with chaotic times? Acronyms. Frickin' love 'em. I know it's kind of dorky, but they really are great -...

Jessica Goodnight
Mar 15, 20203 min read
COVID-19 Series: Living in an Uncertain World
The last few days have been a whirlwind for our country, as we face the reality of a global pandemic and what it means for the future....

Jessica Goodnight
Feb 26, 20203 min read
PTSD Series: Traumatic Experiences versus Trauma Reactions
I’ve been through a lot in my life, and lately I’ve been really struggling. I feel like my past experiences are a part of that, but when...

Jessica Goodnight
Feb 12, 20203 min read
PTSD Series: Evidence-Based Psychotherapy
I've been in therapy for years for my PTSD and have tried every medication under the sun, but I'm still having nightmares almost every...

Jessica Goodnight
Jan 31, 20201 min read
Self Care Series: The Problem with Putting It All on You
There's something powerful in knowing that you can help yourself by taking good care of your own well-being. You have some agency in all...

Jessica Goodnight
Dec 9, 20192 min read
Self Care Series: For You, Not for Anyone Else
Your doctor tells you that you'd better start exercising. Your mother tells you you're gaining weight. Online, your friends' yoga selfies...

Jessica Goodnight
Dec 2, 20192 min read
Self Care Series: Emotional Need, or Physical Need?
Perhaps this next statement will shock you: our physical well-being affects our mental well-being. No? Not surprised? Okay, me neither....

Jessica Goodnight
Nov 19, 20192 min read
Self Care Series: You Are What You Eat
I don't think I'm alone in this - in times of stress, I have a tendency to eat like crap. Too busy to eat a decent lunch? Peanut butter...

Jessica Goodnight
Oct 6, 20195 min read
Self Care Series: The Benefits of Exercise
It's not uncommon that people ask me about ways to relieve distress that don't require a mental health provider. And, I understand this...

Jessica Goodnight
Sep 16, 20194 min read
Why It Matters if Your Therapist Uses Evidence-Based Treatment
There are so many therapists out there. When you're struggling with your mental health and require services, this search can be so...
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